Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Future Hubby


Last week I was tagged on one of the many Facebook notes going around. This one is entitled, How well do you know your husband? Sadly, I don't know the answers to many of these questions and I'm only sort of certain that the rest are correct. But here it goes anyway--I'll have to ask him later how well I did.

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Football or an action/adventure movie

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

3. What's one food he doesn't like?

4. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order?
Water, because that's all I ever order. If I weren't there to sway his decision he might order something else--I don't know for certain.

5. Where did he go to high school?
Viewmont High School

6. What size shoe does he wear?
10 1/2

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
I have no idea. Dental instruments?

8. What kind of sandwich does he like?
Grilled Cheese--I think

9. What would he eat every day if he could?
probably Scrambled Eggs or Omelets

10. What is his favorite cereal?
Cinnamon Toast Crunch--at least that's the only one I've ever seen him eat

11. What would he never wear?
anything advertising the U of U

12. What is his favorite sports team?
Steelers, at least when they're in fashion

13. Who did he vote for?
I'm pretty sure it was McCain

14. Who is his best friend?

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Nothing - I'm practically perfect in every way :) (We're still wearing rose-colored glasses. Ask me this again in a couple of months and I'm sure I'll have a real answer.)

16. What is his favorite color?
I believe that would be Blue

17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
No cake--Marie Calendar's Coconut Cream Pie

18. Did he play sports in high school?
No, I don't think he did.

19. What could he spend hours doing?
Watching NFL Football and playing with Amortization Charts--and he has

20. What is one unique talent he has?

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Can he juggle really well? Nick and Dave will have to have a juggling competition.