Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mourning Verizon

Monday was a very sad day. We had to turn in our trusty Verizon phones for Sprint phones. After spending three days with my new phone I think I can fairly say that I am in deep mourning.

I miss the days of full coverage in every corner of the Conference Center and at my house.

I miss the time when I only dropped phone calls as I drove over the plains of Nebraska.

I miss the easy-to-use number pad.

I miss not having unlimited mobile to mobile with my family.

I miss my petite Blackberry that fit so nicely in unmentionable areas when I needed to use two hands.

I miss Verizon.

(I think I'm going to cry right about now.)

The cause of my mourning


Jenny said...

My dad dislikes the new phones as well. Good luck adjusting.

Pamela said...

Too bad you can't have the choice on the company and phone you want. :(

We just renewed our Verizon for 2 years. The downside is that my brother is the only one on my side with Verizon. Thankfully, I still get unlimited nights and weekends when my mom calls.