Monday, August 3, 2009

A Fishless Outing

Dave and I went to a work party over the weekend at the beautiful home of one of our guest service missionaries. It is nestled in the hills of Mountain Green and boasts a large, well-stocked private fish pond.

We took Jamison with us, who at 4 years old, already LOVES to fish and is pretty good at it. He brought his 7-foot fishing rod and hurriedly ate just enough dinner to gain permission to get out on the water. For two hours he tried, I tried, and Dave tried but we never caught a fish, while others were catching whoppers all around us. Bad Luck!

I think the boy would have stayed out all night trying if our hosts would have let him and if his stomach hadn't started groaning with hunger. We'll have to try again another day.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

Thanks again for letting him go. He keeps telling me he caught jelly fish. do you think he means a clump of seaweed or something? And also he has mentioned that there were sharks in the water. What in the world is he referring to? He has a wild imagination, that little Jamison.