Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tight Places

I can't figure out why but lately Benjamin has been trying to squeeze his little body and head through every narrow space in our house. Between the fridge and the counter, the chair and the desk, here between the rocking chair and changing table, and many more places--and that was just today. I really wanted to take photos of the other incidences but he was in trouble most times and you would have known what a bad mommy I am had I paused to snap a picture.


Anna said...

Oh my goodness, he is getting so big! -- Sara has always loved getting herself into tight spaces as well, and she still does! (She is 4 now). She loves hiding under tables and chairs, building forts, playing in overturned laundry baskets, etc. That is so funny that Ben practically wedges himself in his tight spaces though! Gotta keep a close eye on that one, sounds like!

Pamela said...

I have a tendency to reach for the camera too. That way, when they have kids of their own, we'll have proof of the crazy things they did. :)