Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Be Kind

Did you know that from the time I left on my mission until the day I married Dave in the temple I lost 68 pounds?  Of course, there were eight years between those two episodes but it was still a major accomplishment, one that I have always been very proud of.

Pregnancy was not kind to my body.  I didn't exactly start off at my wedding weight but I have now set a new all-time high.  I was looking at pictures of myself from the last several weeks and it is time to make some major changes.  The books, magazines, websites, experts all say to give yourself nine months to get the weight off -- it took that much time to put it on.  OK.  But I'm impatient.

I read a blog post by another new mommy earlier this year and she said she was trying to be kind to her body again.  I wholly agree and I'm jumping on the bandwagon.  

So, it's time to exercise more regularly, eat more fruits and vegetables, enjoy more whole grains, drink more water; and it's time to STOP the all too frequent sugar binges.  I need to be much more kind to this body.  After all, I only have this one and I need to take care of it.

No more Cold Stone for me!

Now that you all know about my resolution, be sure to ask me each time you see me if I am being "kind" to myself.  And I had better be able to respond, YES!


Nathan and Lisa said...

Good for you, Chelsea! You've inspired me to be more healthy too! Oreos are my downfall...I need to have healthier snacks around. :)

Pamela said...

You still look beautiful! :)

I was telling your mom the other day that sugar is not my friend right now, makes me feel so sick! It took all my will power to not eat a cookie (let alone the whole plate!) after Benjamin's blessing. I'll probably be thankful later, but for now, it's so hard!!