Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Still Here

I know what you're thinking. Where have you been?

Life is so incredibly busy and stressful right now. You know the saying that goes something like, "it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength"? That is how I have felt over the last few months - trying to run faster than I have strength.

We shuffled up our departments at work and now I feel like I have twice as many events as I used to have. My days are crazy trying to just keep up with it all. General conference is just a few short days away and I still have so much to do.

Young Women's has also had its ups and downs. I don't know if I ever mentioned it... Last summer the stake split our ward. But President Packer would only approve the division if our youth stayed together for mutual activities. I love getting to see all my girls each Wednesday. They are so good for each other and I know they are helping one another to remain strong and true in the gospel. Sometimes it is a little more difficult bringing together the leaders. I worry so much that I am stepping on the toes of the other ward's leaders. I want to be good friends with them and work well with them for the sake of all our youth. Sadly, the ideal is not always achievable.

Then comes the stress of Dave's dental practice. My heart is there. I wish I had the time to really focus on building it up and bringing in patients. I would find new ways to advertise, run specials, bring his office up to the electronic age, and more. It is my duty as his wife to be his business partner but right now I don't have more than 20 minutes a week to think about it.

The fourth, and most debilitating, stress in my life these days is a little thing called infertility. I bet many of you--all my hundreds of devoted readers--have been wondering why we don't have any children yet. We found out just over a year ago that we were going to have some problems getting pregnant. After many tests, surgery, and a few months of healing, we finally went through an in vitro cycle. Things didn't go as well as we had hoped and at the end of the cycle the results were negative. We were devastated but decided to move to a new doctor and try again. Last month we started the process for a second time with a new protocol of medications. When things didn't look any better than the first time, the doctor canceled our cycle. He put me on a new medication for a few months, which will hopefully improve conditions, and then we'll give it another go sometime this summer. Dave and I never thought infertility would be one of the challenges we would face. It has taken a toll on our emotions. Sometimes it is all we can do to stop our moping and think about the many good things in our lives -- and there are many good things. Such as lots of nieces and nephews whom we adore!

Yes, I am still here. A little worn down but definitely here.


Jennie said...

So glad you wrote! Isn't it interesting the different challenges we each must face. Your positive attitude about your trials helps give me strength to work harder at overcoming mine. Thanks for your inspiration!

Karen said...

Chelsea, I am so glad that you posted on your blog. I am sorry that things at work are a problem and I am happy that I am not there for all of the stress of it, sure it was fun, after it was over, right? You are a great event coordinator and will pull things together to make it through.

Yes, I did wonder when little children would be popping up and I am sorry that you are experiencing fertility problems - something I hope I can avoid, assuming I get married. :o) You will make it through this struggle and you will be a fabulous mother!, I know it.

Good luck with all of the stresses in your life right now.
Keep smiling!

Erin said...

You don't know me, but I was one of Jill's missionary companions. I was reading her blog, saw your blog and started reading. Hopefully, this doesn't sound creepy. Anyway, I had to respond to your post. I was older when I married my husband who was quite a bit older than me. We also have infertility problems and it is extremely emotional and emotionally hard. Our first round of in-vitro didn't take either and my heart just broke. We start our second round in May. Good luck to you and your struggles with infertility. I was so grateful to fall in love and find my soulmate. I had never thought about fertility and find that this is a constant challenge. Thank goodness for prayer and the Lord. Erin Jensen

Summer Blackhurst said...

I'm one of your devoted readers Chelsea-- I will be praying for you!

Joellen said...

Chelsea, my heart goes out to you and Dave, and you are in my prayers. I can't imagine how challenging this has been for you to experience. I am constantly reminded in reading about what you and others are going through that my challenges aren't nearly as bad as I seem to think they are, and I am truly humbled. You are courageous to write so frankly about what you are going through. You are an amazing person, and I have no doubt that the Lord has so much more in store for you as you wade through the trials you are experiencing.