Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Dave!

We celebrated Dave's birthday last week with a delicious chocolate cake (by Megan). Dave spent his birthday at the dental convention downtown so we thought it only fitting to decorate the cake with a giant molar and toothbrushes. He LOVED it!

Did you know that my sweet husband is very hard to shop for? He doesn't need clothes. He really doesn't have very many hobbies - other than his iPhone. He would rather rent a movie than own a movie. What was I to give him for his birthday?

I ended up with a few gift cards which are great but they don't have any substance to them and I wanted him to be able to open some presents on his birthday.

The night before I began rumaging through the house trying to find things I already had on hand that would augment the gift cards.

I paired the iTunes gift card with a maraca and flute from the toy chest, a CD off the shelf, and Dave's own iPod. He was pretty excited to be re-gifted the iPod.

The Brick Oven has finally made it up our way to Layton and we've been needing an excuse to go try it out. This gift card came complete with a Macaroni Grill pasta dish, ranch dressing, and Dave's favorite candy bar.

And our season passes to Seven Peaks Salt Lake landed at the bottom of the bag under a bottle of water, Dave's favorite pair of goggles, and a blow-up toy for the pool.

Silly, I know. But it was a very good day for my very great man!

Happy Birthday Dave!

1 comment:

Joellen said...

I love your creative ideas! I struggle getting gifts for Jacob sometimes too, it is fun seeing what you have done, it inspires me to try and be more creative.