Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hard to Please

Dave and I are complete opposites when it comes to our choices in movies. He loves action-adventure. I love sappy romances.

He made fun of me all weekend after I excitedly told him a new "Emma" by Jane Austen movie was coming out.

I tried to take a nap through the new Sherlock Holmes movie while his eyes were glued to the screen.

What can I say? Sometimes opposites attract.

Because we just plain don't like the same types of movies, we have learned to compromise. Every so often we determine that it is a night to rent a flick and snuggle on the couch. But here's how the Huffakers go about it:

* We drive over to our local Redbox or Top Hat.
* Dave choses a movie and I chose a movie.
* Back at home we flip a coin - one of us gets to watch our movie on the TV and the other gets the laptop with earbuds.
* We wrap up in a blanket and snuggle on the couch while each getting to watch what we want to watch.

Funny, I know. But it works for us.

Emma credits. Holmes credits.


Annie said...

That's cute! I haven't seen you for a long time, hope all is well!

Summer Blackhurst said...

Amen on different movies for the genders! Will is the same way!