Friday, January 29, 2010

Dr. Dave's Valentine's Day Special

Dr. Dave is running a special on cleanings and exams for
all new and established patients!

You won't want to miss this great deal from a great dentist!

Call today 801-292-5172 and ask for Maggie

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Little Something

To get all you Jane Austen fans excited for Valentine's Day.

(I know what you're thinking...that Jonny Lee Miller gets around...Emma Woodhouse and Fanny Price. Oh, my!)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Favorite Aunt

I've been running for the title of Favorite Aunt this week. On Monday I took Jennie's kids to eat play on the playground at Arctic Circle while she got some much needed rest. Then today I tended Dan's kids while he and Megan had a couple hours of alone time. I expect my trophy any day now!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We're Cool!

In our last Bishop Youth Council the Young Women were going over calendar items. "On Wednesday," said Natalie, "we'll be doing Taekwondo at the Taekwondo place in Centerville."

Spencer hung his head and lamented, "I'm just realizing that the Deacons plan really lame activities."

We have cool activities!

And the girls had tons of fun! Thanks to Bro. Knudsen for setting it up for us at Kim's Academy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

YW Lesson 3

So sometimes I get bored with the Young Women lessons. They teach the beautiful principles of the gospel but sometimes many of the stories and examples are rather out of date for today's teenage girl--just my personal opinion. Lesson 3 on Sunday was no exception and the supplement guide wasn't much help either.

The topic was Building Up the Kingdom of God through Sacrifice. Here's what I did on Sunday...

1. I printed, laminated, and cut up a picture of the Salt Lake Temple.

2. I asked myself, "What does it take to Build up the Kingdom of God?" and came up with 14 one-word answers (including sacrifice, courage, strength, faith, virtue, etc -- some catch words from personal progress and this year's mutual theme).

3. I scrambled up the letters in those 14 answers and as the girls unscrambled them we built the Salt Lake Temple piece by piece from the ground up.

4. We watched "Only a Stonecutter" about John Rowe Moyle who helped to build the Salt Lake Temple despite living a long distance from the temple site and having a wooden leg.

5. I finally returned to the lesson manual and talked more about the things we might be asked to sacrifice to help Build up the Kingdom of God.

Now, while this all sounds good in theory and on paper it didn't turn out quite like I had hoped it would, because I focused too much on putting together the first parts of the lesson and didn't learn the book part well enough to deliver it effectively. Still, I think the girls really enjoyed the activity and the movie during the first half of class. I know I did!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

An Answered Prayer

We now have 6 girls in our Young Women's group! A new Laurel just moved into the ward and has already become good friends with our other Laurel. We are all very grateful for this answered prayer!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hard to Please

Dave and I are complete opposites when it comes to our choices in movies. He loves action-adventure. I love sappy romances.

He made fun of me all weekend after I excitedly told him a new "Emma" by Jane Austen movie was coming out.

I tried to take a nap through the new Sherlock Holmes movie while his eyes were glued to the screen.

What can I say? Sometimes opposites attract.

Because we just plain don't like the same types of movies, we have learned to compromise. Every so often we determine that it is a night to rent a flick and snuggle on the couch. But here's how the Huffakers go about it:

* We drive over to our local Redbox or Top Hat.
* Dave choses a movie and I chose a movie.
* Back at home we flip a coin - one of us gets to watch our movie on the TV and the other gets the laptop with earbuds.
* We wrap up in a blanket and snuggle on the couch while each getting to watch what we want to watch.

Funny, I know. But it works for us.

Emma credits. Holmes credits.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

We rang in the new year by making a snowman family in the backyard. Fun times!