Despite the inspirational messages and idea-sharing, I am feeling like a horrible Young Women leader. These sisters are talking about how they cultivate unity in their groups, how they are doing all these big wonderful activities that are centered around the gospel, and how their girls are growing into steadfast righteous Young Women.
I wonder sometimes what good we are doing with our girls. I have absolutely fallen in love with each and every one of my six girls and I want them to be happy, righteous Young Women who make the temple a priority in their lives. Every Sunday we try to tailor the lessons to them and their needs. Every weekday activity we try to plan with a purpose. But, are we really making a difference? Are they listening even when it doesn't look like it? And what do we do with our Beehives who think that YW is optional?
I guess I feel like there is a lot riding on this calling. These girls are in some of the most critical years of their lives and they have been entrusted to my care to help them stay on the path of righteousness. I do not want to arrive on Judgement Day and learn that I didn't do enough. That one of them strayed and I should have been there to help her. It's scary.
All I can do is pray for help and inspiration. My class will not and can not look the same as all other Young Women classes throughout the world. As long as I keep seeking the Lord's help and inspiration, we will know what we should do for our girls to strengthen them and lead them back to their Heavenly Father.
You pose some good, though-provoking questions, and then in my opinion answered them quite appropriately.
I have had a young mens calling twice now. The first time I was fresh off my mission and was called to be adviser in the Teachers Quorum. I loved teaching that class because I knew so many scriptures and could explain things so well. The boys always seemed to pay good attention to me and were involved in the lessons. It made me feel like I was the best teacher ever!
Fast forward two or three years and I am called as Scoutmaster... I can't remember scriptures that well and my speech has become all legal stuffy engineer-like. That was the hardest calling I have had. I felt the same way about a lot of those boys as in they NEVER paid attention and they thought mutual activities were optional. I guess it's nothing new though, I am now in the Elder's quorum presidency, and we still have a lot of guys who sleep during class and think that church and priesthood assignments are optional.
Through these experiences, I have had the same resolution that all I can do is pray and do my part and Heavenly Father will take care of the rest. The youth are young and will learn by example. Hopefully they will see your example, be touched by the Spirit to gain a testimony of a few things that will blossom into a complete testimony. Then someday they will be the leaders wondering why no one pays attention.
Do not be so hard on yourself nor judge how you magnify your calling by others. You work full time for one thing and I'm sure those attending the meeting you listened to do not. And remember, the girls have been entrusted to their parents, they are responsible first and foremost--your presidency is the support team, not the lead. Knowing you, I'm SURE you are doing your best, the girls know you love them and you are making a difference. As you know, I serve as YW Pres. in my ward and of course have the same fears as you, but every night I pray for my girls by name, then listen for the inspiration,it comes and I obey. Your girls are lucky to have you!
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