Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shameless Plug

I went to my new dentist yesterday, Dr. David M. Huffaker, and had a root canal on tooth #30. Not a fun procedure but I was in very good hands and I am now totally pain-free!

Go ahead, call and get an appointment yourself
Dr. David M. Huffaker

134 S. Main Street
Centerville, Utah
Ask for Maggie

Monday, July 27, 2009

Meant to Be

I remember a few years ago when Daniel and Megan were engaged a neighbor mentioned that it must be right because we were adding another "Megan" to the family.

If common names and birthdays determine "rightness," then Dave and I are truly meant to be together.

David: my husband, two uncles, a cousin, and a cousin-in-law
Jennifer: my sister; Dave's sister-in-law and cousin-in-law
Daniel: my brother; Dave's nephew
Jill: my sister; Dave's aunt
Megan: my sister and sister-in-law; Dave's sister-in-law
Maggie: my niece; Dave's aunt
Matt: my cousin-in-law; Dave's brother
Paul: my uncle; Dave's brother

April 18: my sister; Dave's father
November 20: my sister; Dave's brother
Today, July 27: my niece; and Dave's niece who will be born any time now
(And Dave has another niece on the way who is due just 2 days before my brother's birthday, so if she comes early...)

P.S. There are probably several more connections between our two families, but I still don't know the names of all Dave's cousins nor the birthdays of most of his siblings, in-laws, or nieces and nephews. However, I think there is ample evidence above to prove that we were meant to be together!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Ward, New Calling

The Bishop of our brand new ward called me and Dave into his office on Sunday morning. I knew we would be getting callings and I figured it would be as ward missionaries again, perhaps the ward mission leader. Boy was I wrong.

The Bishop looked in my direction and asked me to serve as the Young Women President of our new ward.


I am definitely excited, but yikes. There will be much to do to get everything organized and established. And right now there are only 3 active girls. Yes, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Hopefully by Sunday I'll have two counselors and a secretary and then I'll be able to breathe.

This new adventure is sure to bring many stories so stay tuned!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Great Mormon Road Trip

Perhaps you have noticed a long lapse in my blogging. That would be because I was on The Great Mormon Road Trip. That's right, Dave and I and his family made the pilgrimage to the Mormon Mecca of Nauvoo, Illinois and related Church History sites.


The first stop on our road trip was the Winter Quarters Temple in Nebraska, including the Visitors Center there and the Mormon Pioneer Cemetery.


The next leg of our journey brought us to Carthage Jail and from there we drove into Nauvoo. We came up the highway that follows the Mississippi River and suddenly before us stood the Nauvoo Temple. It was almost surreal seeing this beautiful building in person. Most of my life, we only saw the Nauvoo Temple in drawings and yet here it was, in all its magnificence and I was completely struck by its grandeur. We went through a session at the temple, saw the Nauvoo Pageant, spent a couple of hours at the Visitors Center, and watched the film "Joseph Smith Prophet of the Restoration" (which was a completely different experience from seeing the film in Salt Lake City). There was so much to see in the little city and we were so limited for time. I am anxious for the next opportunity I have to return there.


On the final day of The Great Mormon Road Trip we traveled through Missouri and saw the beautiful lands of Adam-ondi-Ahman, the corner stones laid for the temple at Far West, Liberty Jail where Joseph Smith was incarcerated for 5 months, the Independence Visitors Center, and the designated Temple Lot. And while at the Visitors Center we couldn't help but notice the Community of Christ Temple across the street. It makes me very grateful for the beauty and dignity of our LDS houses of worship.

We had such a fun time on our Great Mormon Road Trip! I am so blessed by the Mormon Pioneers who struggled and suffered for their faith. How grateful I am for their diligence and perseverance and for the wonderful legacy they have left behind. May we ever remember and honor their legacy and their lives.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Woods Cross 17th Ward

Tonight they moved and realigned boundaries in our stake and put us in a new ward, the Woods Cross 17th Ward. We began the meeting at the stake center with four other wards where the stake presidency announced the boundary changes and made several new callings. Then the two wards who are to meet in the brand new Valentine Estates chapel got in their cars and commuted to the new building. There, we sustained our new bishopric and Elder Carl Cook dedicated the chapel.

It was a beautiful dedication. President Manwaring and Elder Cook both bore powerful testimonies of the gospel before offering the dedicatory prayer. Pres. Manwaring said that chapels are evidence that the Lord loves us. Yes, He truly does love us to provide us with such a magnificent meeting house where we can worship and participate in wholesome recreational activities. Elder Cook told us to make the church house a haven of happiness by establishing a pattern of prayer, a library of learning, and a legacy of love.

I am grateful for our new chapel and the opportunity we had to be present at the dedication. This gospel of Jesus Christ really is perfect and I am so blessed to be part of it.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Freedom Run 5k

Dave and I ran/walked in Centerville's 5k today and I beat my previous time by almost 5 minutes! However, I'm still so slow its embarrassing to admit what that time is.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Chopped Off

Sitting in Devin's chair at Landis Salon I told her, while she started a very relaxing massage, that I wanted to chop my hair off and put layers in it. She got real excited and asked permission to cut it straight in back and layer the sides. Have at it, I said.

I really like what she did!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Comfort Foods

I walked out of the Conference Center this morning and the air smelled like hot buttered pancakes and sticky maple syrup and I knew it was going to be a good day.

photo credits