Sunday, December 28, 2008

Quirky Tag

Megan didn't think she was quirky. I know I am. Or maybe it is better stated obsessive. Regardless, here are my quirks.

1. I have to have a clean and tidy house. Everything has a place and everything in its place. My bed is always made. My clothes are hung and organized in the closet by type then by color. I vacuum at least twice a week and more if it is needed. I sweep at least three times a week. The chairs are pushed in and evenly spaced around the dining table. The couches are exactly parallel to the wall. I don't really have what you would call a 'junk drawer.' Living this way helps me keep my universe in order.

2. The dishes have to be rinsed off before they go in the dishwasher. Silverware goes handle-down in the rack. And there is a long list of dishes and utensils that must be hand washed. (I thank my mother for this quirk.)

3. I can only fall asleep if I am toasty warm in my bed. So, from October to April I typically wear a t-shirt, long-sleeve hoodie, flannel pajama pants, thick socks and sleep under 2 quilts, an afghan, and a comforter. Even during the summer I wear long pajamas and use 2 blankets.

4. We have security cameras everywhere you look at my work. I usually can’t walk past them without making a funny face – it is never big or grotesque, just a little smirk or raised eyebrows, often accompanied by an abnormal walk.

5. It is against the rules of my kitchen to follow a recipe exactly. Whether I substitute ingredients or add something completely different than what is called for, I never limit myself to the words on the page.

6. This quirk is courtesy of the woman herself, Megan D. I absolutely cannot leave the house without earrings. The outfit just isn’t complete without that piece of metal in my ears.

So there you have it. I am full of quirks. Now let’s see what quirks my fellow blogsters have. Tag Charisse, Annie, and Heidi!

1 comment:

Charisse Baxter said...

I've been working on this all week - I think I may finally have a list of quirks to post. It's harder than I would have thought to come up with them! (And surely I'm OBVIOUSLY quirky!)