Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Do I Cry or Shout for Joy?

Today I was promoted to Event Coordinator at the Conference Center. I don't know whether to cry (and incidentally I have shed a few tears already) or shout for joy.

Here is the long story...I have applied for this job three times. During the second interview process I realized that I did not want it after all and I was relieved when another candidate was chosen. About a month ago my boss came to me and said he wanted me to apply a third time. My response was that I didn't know if I wanted it any more so I would have to think about it. I hemmed and hawed for a week and thought it over and prayed and fasted about it and though still not certain, I put in my application. Then the holidays came so it became a waiting game for interviews to be set up. In the meantime, I changed my mind a thousand times. One hour I wanted it and the next I didn't. Finally, I decided to let fate take over. If it were offered to me I would take it, if not that would be my answer--today I guess I got my answer. The funny thing is that my boss didn't ever offer the job to me, he just said, "You're it!" That was probably a good thing because who knows what my answer would have been had he asked. I'm glad the wait is finally over. It has been extremely stressful and emotional trying to figure out what I wanted to do. The tears this afternoon were mostly tears of relief that that the roller coaster ride of indecision has at last come to an end.

So, starting tomorrow, I have a new title, new responsibilities, and a new office. When you come visit I'll be at Door 13. See you soon!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Congratulations!!! We should all go to Disneyland now!! Does this mean you will have more set hours, or will you still do the varying schedule?